Last updateFri, 14 Feb 2025 8pm


Nguyen Cong Duc



1. Full name: NGUYEN CONG DUC

2. Date of birth: 01 – 01 - 1959                                                          

3. Gender:                            þMale                  Female

4. Place of work:

Institution: University of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vietnam National University

Faculty: Faculty of English Linguistics & Literature


5. Highest Degree:     BA            BS      MA   MS   þPhD   Year of graduation: 1995

6. Current academic title:              Lecturer                            Senior Lecturer               

Assistant Professor     þAssociate Professor         Professor        

                                                               Year granted: 2003

Current job title:                 Dean                 Vice Dean                        Department Head         

                                Academic assistant        Secretary          Student affair professional                         

7. Contact details:

No.   Office Home/Personal
1 Address 10-12 Đinh Tiên Hòang, District 1, HCM City  
2 Tel./ fax. (08). 824.33.26

3 Email

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

8. Foreign language(s):

No. Language Listening Speaking Writing Reading
Excellent Good Aver. Excellent Good Aver. Excellent Good Aver. Excellent Good Aver.
1 English + + + +
2 Russian – French + + + +

9. Working experience:

Time (from…to) Place of work Job title
From 1981 till now Faculty of Linguistics and Literature (1992, Khoa Ngữ Văn và Báo chí ; 2007 , Khoa Văn học và Ngôn ngữ ), University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH), Vietnam National University on HCMC (VNU-HCM) Sinec 1997 to 4/2007 , Deputy dean of the Faculty and head of the Linguistics session
From… to ….    


10. Educational background:

Level/ degree earned Year graduated Institution Major Title of thesis/dissertation
Undergraduate 4,5 years USSH – HCM Linguistics Dialectal vocabulary in Nguyen Dinh Chieu’s work language
Doctorate Short tearm Vietnam Institute of Linguistics Linguistics Morphological-Semantics domain of Vietnamese idioms
Scientific docterate        


  1. 11.Teaching interest and research orientation
    1. 11.1Teaching interest:

-    Discipline: Social Sciences and Humanities

-    Major: Linguistics

-          Specialization: + General Linguistics

           + Lexicology – Sematics

           + Sociolinguistics

           + Cognitive Linguistics   

  1. 11.2Research orientation:
  1. 1. Empirical Linguistics
  2. 2. Cognitive Linguistics
  3. 3. Minority Linguistics in Vietnam


  1. 1.Research projects
No. Research/Project title

Code &


Year done


(VND millions)

Project leader or member Date of defense Results


M’nông language Province Daklak and USSH – HCM

1983 –


Group leader of Mnong-Viet Dictionary 1987 Good (published in form of Dictionary)
2 On building scientigic technological terms and dictionary compiling HCMC

1993 –


Leader of branch project 1997 Good
3 Language in signs and advertisements in HCM City Institute of Social sciences in HCMC



Participant 2002 Excellent
4 Dictionary M’nông ( Preh ) – Vietnamese Ministry of Internal Affairs and People Committee of DakNông 2005-2006 Leader 2006 Good
5 Dictionary Vietnamese– M’nông ( Preh ) Ministry of Internal Affairs and People Committee of DakNông 2005-2006 Leader 2006 Good
6 M’nông language textbook Ministry of Internal Affairs and People Committee of DakNông g 2005-2006 Leader 2006 Good
7 M’nông Language UBND Tỉnh DakNông 2006-2009 leader of big size dictionary compling group
  1. 2.Academic advising/mentoring
No. Name of mentee(s) Thesis/Dissertation title Graduation year Level

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

01 Đàm Văn Tuấn Noun phrase in Vietnamese in comparison with English   PhD  
02 Nguyễn Hòang Tuấn Comparing personage languages in Nam Cao’s novels in comparison with E. Hemingway and W. Faulkner’s 2004 PhD  
03 Nguyễn Minh Comparing directional verbs in Vietnamese and English 2006 PhD  
04 Hòang Ngọc Hùng Elipsis in English (compared with Vietnamese) To be completed PhD  
05 Lim Si Youn Grammatical and semantics comparisons of Chinese elements in Vietnam ese and in Korean QĐ 2006 PhD  
06 Trần Long Expressions of emotions in Vietnamese vocabulary and grammar (compared with English) 2006 PhD  
07 Hà Thanh Hải Ideal metaphors in economic articles in English newspapers 2011 PhD  
08 Nguyễn Thị Hường English-Vietnamese translating methods 2010 PhD  
09 Nguyễn Kim Ánh Means of pre-indexing and post-indexing in Vietnamese compared with English To be completed PhD  
10 Hùynh Công Hiển Implicit elements in Vietnamese (in comparison with French) 2010 PhD  
11 Nguyễn Hùynh Lâm Modal and politeness in English and Vietnamese 2016 PhD  
12 Nguyễn Văn Hải Body part words (cognitive linguistics perspective) QĐ 2010 PhD  
13 Nguyễn Thị Châu Anh Comaring interrgative sentences in Vietnamese and English in Pragmatic perspective 2012 PhD  
14 Hồ Văn Tuyên Modes of nominations in Mekong Delta   PhD  
15 Phạm Văn Thỏa Fields of idea of emotion in Vietnamese (comared with English) QĐ 2011 PhD  
16 Trương Văn Định Modal elements expressing politeness of the criticizing speech act in Vietnamese dialogues (compared with English and translating abilities between the two languages) QĐ 2012    
17 Nguyễn Hòai Thu Ba Han originating word class in Vietnamese 1998 MA  
18 Bùi Văn Năm Vietnamese idioms in the South of Vietnam 1999 MA  
19 Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Trang Vietnamese idioms from reality to textbook 1999 MA  
20 Phạm Thị Kim Loan Korean originating idioms in Vietnamese 2001 MA  
21 Nguyễn Thanh Thủy Idioms in Vietnamese proverbs 2003 MA  
22 Lâm Bá Sỹ Modal and semantic characteristics of Vietnamese idioms compared with English 2002 MA  
23 Hồ Thị Nhiên Trinh Compound sentences with conjunctions in English (compared with Vietnamese) 2005    
24 Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Contrasting idioms in Vietnamese compared with English 2002 MA  
25 Hòang Quốc Han pronouns compared with Vietnamese pronouns 2003 MA  
26 Vũ Văn Khương Some linguistic characteristics of   blurred “tiếng” in Vietnamese proverbs   MA  
27 Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Thanh Han personal pronouns (compared with Vietnamese) 2003 MA  
28 Nguyễn Quang Minh Đức Lexicographical features of English-Vietnamese/ Vietnamese-English constructional termonology      
29 Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Bình Cultural features of Vietnamese idioms containing elements indicating plants (compared with English)      
30 Lý Y Lâm Frequent grammatical arrors of Vietamese people learning Han language and some solutions      
31 Trần Văn Kiên Linguistic features of language of advertisement in HCM TV 2004 MA  
32 Nguyễn Trọng Quang   Not yet completed MA  
33 Lê Anh Thư Sino-Vietnamese words in textbooks 2004 MA  
33 Tống Thị Quỳnh Hoa 4 syllable symetric indioms in Han language compared with the ones in Vietnamese) 2004 MA  
34 Nguyễn Thanh Tuyền Words indicating animals in Vietnamese idioms and proverbs (compared with Russian) 2005 MA  
35 Tạ Mỹ Nga Comparing transfers of the prepositions AT – ON- IN and their equivalences in Vietnamese 2005 MA  
36 Đặng Quang Hòang Language communication in hotels 2006    
37 Văn Thị Thiên Hà Transfers of parts of speech in Vietnamese (in compared with English) 2006 MA  
38 Trần Thị Mai Hồng Nomination of supplementary foods in Vietnamese – its cultural and functional domains in folklore 2006 MA  
39 Hồ Thị Nhiên Trinh Compound sentences with linking words in Vietnamese and English 2006 MA  
40 Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Mai Affirmatiev and negative narratives in Vietnamese and English (from Pragmatic perspective) 2006 MA  
41 Lê Thị Hòang Nga Imperative sentences seen from structural domain and politeness (compared with English) 2006 MA  
42 Vũ Thị Hương Trà Final particles in modern Chinese (comraeed with Vietnamese) 2006    
43 Nguyễn Thị Nhật Lệ Means of expressing time in English and Vietnamese 2006 MA  
44 Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Bình Words indicating plants in Vietnamese proverbs (in comparison with Russian and English)   MA  
45 Lý Chánh Kim Vietnamese and Korean abverbs (in their uses) 2008 MA  
46 Nguyễn Văn Đông Semantic domain of words indicating colors – compared Vietnamese and English 2008 MA  
47 Nguyễn Thị Kim Chi Culturo-linguistic characteristics of   “nẫu” in South-Central dialect 2010 MA  
48 Nguyễn văn Hải On cultural characteristics of “đầu”, “mình”, “thân”, “tay”, “chân” in Vietnamese and their translations nin English 2009 MA  
49 Nguyễn Trang Thùy Dung Grammatical and semantic properties of “to get, to make, to have, to take” and their translations 2010    
50 Ngô Tuyết Phượng Typology of topics in Vietnamese and English sentences 2011    
51 Nguyễn Thị Thủy Stylistic characteristics of Book preface      
52 Nguyễn Thị Tường Vi Language of Bai Choi rythms in South-Central area   MA  
53 Lê Thị Thanh Nhàn Speech act of “irony” in Southern dialect   MA  
54 Nguyễn Văn Hải Adjectival parametters in Vietnamese   PhD  


1. Books/ Book chapters

1.1 International publications

No. Title

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Publisher Year of publication Author/ Co-author Pen name

1.2. National/Local

No. Title

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Publisher Year of publication Author/ Co-author Pen name
1 Dẫn luận ngôn ngữ học (Introduction to linguistics) VNU-HCM Publishing house



2 Từ vựng tiếng Việt (Vietnamese lexicology) VNU-HCM Publishing house



3 Từ điển M’nông – Việt (Mnong-Viet dictionary) DakLak Education Dept. and USSH 1984 Co-author
4 Tiếng Việt và thực hành tiếng Việt (Vietnamese and Practices) HCM Open University 1995
5 Thực hành tiếng Việt (Practicing Vietnamese VNU-HCM Publishing house 2001 Editor in chief
6 Từ điển từ nguyên – giải thích thành ngữ Việt Nam (Vietnamese etymology and idiom explanation dictionary) Literature Publishing House 2003 Editor in chief
7 Từ điển từ láy tiếng Việt (Dictionary of doubled words) Education Publishing House 1994, 1998, 2003 Co-author
8 Tiếng Việt thực hành và sọan thảo văn bản (Practical Vietnamese and text writing) VNU-HCM Publishing house 2004 Editor in chief
9 Tiếng Việt thực hành và kỹ thuật xây dựng văn bản (Practical Vietnamese and text building techniques) Education Publishing House 2007 Editor in chief


2. Journal articles

2.1. In international journals


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)


( ISI or not?)

IF scores

2.2. In national/local journals


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)


1 Về quyển sách giáo khoa tiếng Việt lớp 10 – NXB.GD, 1992 (On textbook of Vietnamese language for class 10, Education publishing house)
2 Về quyển sách giáo khoa tiếng Việt lớp 11 – NXB.GD, 1992 (On textbook of Vietnamese language for class 11, Education publishing house)
3 Từ “Được” trong một bài ca dao Việt Nam, Tiếng Việt trong đời sống, T.1, Hội NNH TP.HCM, 1992 (Được in a Vietnamese fokloric poem)
4 Về quyển sách giáo khoa tiếng Việt lớp 9 – NXB.GD, 1993 (On textbook of Vietnamese language for class 9, Education publishing house)
5 Thử đề nghị một cách dạy – học thành ngữ, TC. Văn hóa dân gian, 1994 (Suggesting a way of teaching/learning idioms)
6 Về kết cấu song tiết láy âm tiếng Việt hiện đại, TC. Ngôn ngữ, 1994 (On the structure of doubled bisyllabic words in modern Vietnamese)
7 Về một đặc trưng của ngôn ngữ thơ trữ tình, Nội san KHXH&NV, (Ngữ văn ), ĐH KHXH&NV TP.HCM, 2003 (On a feature of romantic poetic language)
8 Vấn đề âm vực trong tiếng M’nông Preh và phương án hòan thiện chữ viết M’nông, TC.KHXH số7 (107), 2007 (Issues of pitchs in Mnong Preh and suggestions for Mnong scripts)
9 Bước đầu so sánh tổ hợp ghép tiếng Việt và tổ hợp ghép tiếng Khmer Nam Bộ, TC. KHXH số 01 ( 113 ), 2008 (First steps on comparing Vietnamese and Khmer word groups)

Một vài suy nghĩ về tiếng Việt trên mạng hiện nay

TC. Ngôn ngữ, 2010 (viết chung với TS. Đinh Lư Giang) (Some thoughts on Vietnamese language in internet nowadays)

11 Mấy vấn đề về tiếng Việt trên mạng hiện nay   Tạp chí Ngôn ngữ 2010 (viết chung với TS. Đinh Lư Giang) (Some issues of Vietnamese language in internet nowadays)
12 Vài gợi ý về chính sách ngôn ngữ dân tộc cho cộng đồng Khmer Nam Bộ TC. NN&ĐS, 2011 (viết chung với TS. Đinh Lư Giang) (Some suggestions of language policy for Khmer people in Mekong delta)
13 Chữ Quốc ngữ - Những vấn đề đặt ra nhìn từ lịch sử của nó (Quoc Ngu Scripts – some matters from its history)
14 Chữ ABC và tiếng Việt, TC. Công nghệ và Phát triển ĐHQG HCM, 2015 (ABC scripts and Vietnamese language)
15 Vấn đề ngôn ngữ của học sinh người M’Nông và phát triển bền vững (trường hợp tỉnh Dak Nông) TC. KHXH 2014 (Language problems of Mnong pupils and sustainability)
16 Địa danh học Việt Nam – Những vấn đề cần bàn, TC. Ngôn ngữ và Đời sống, 2015 (Vietnamese typonymy – some matters to mention)

2.3. In international conferences


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)



2.4. In national/local conferences


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)


1 Vài nét về từ phương ngôn trong ngôn ngữ Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, Hội nghị KH kỷ niệm 160 năm sinh Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, UBND Tỉnh Bến Tre và Viện KHXH, tổ chức tại Bến Tre 1982 (Some traits of dialects in Nguyen Dinh Chieu language)
2 Một vài bình diện văn hóa – ngôn ngữ trong văn chưong dân gian miền Trung, Hội nghị KH, tổ chức tại Qui Nhơn 1985 (Some linguistic – cultural aspects in fokloric literature in Cental Vietnam)
3 Về khái niệm “ hình tiết ” và khái niệm “ tiếng ” trong tiếng Việt, Hội nghị nhân 25 năm thành lập Viện ngôn ngữ học 1993 (The concepts of hình tiết anh tiếng in Vietnamese language)
4 Vài gợi ý về chính sách ngôn ngữ dân tộc cho cộng đồng người Khmer Nam Bộ, Hà Nội, 2009 (Viết chung với Th.S. Đinh Lư Giang ) (Some suggestions on language policy for Khmer ethnic group)
5 Mấy ý kiến về cuốn “ Từ điển song ngữ thông dụng M’nông [Preh] – Việt ” và cuốn tài liệu “Học tiếng Mnông [Preh] ” Hà Nội, 2009 (Some opinions on “Popular bilingual dictionary of Mnong Preh”, and “Learning Mnong Preh”)
6 Thực trạng tiếng Việt trên mạng của thanh thiếu niên hiện nay và các giải pháp chính sách, Hà Nội, 2009 (Viết chung với Th.S. Đinh Lư Giang ) (Situations of language used by young people in internwe nowadays and some policy solutions)
7 Chữ Quốc ngữ - Những vấn đề về lịch sử hình thành và sự đóng góp vào văn hóa Việt của nó, 2015, Kỷ yếu HT KH Tuy Hòa (Quoc ngu scripts – some historical matters and its contribution to Vietnamese culture)
8 Chữ Quốc ngữ thời kỳ đầu tiên – 2016, Kỷ yếu HT KH Quy Nhơn (First stage of Quoc Ngu scripts)


1. Research awards

No. Title of the award Highlights/Reasons for the awards Granted by Year received


2. Patent granting

No. Patent title

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Code of patent Year granted Issue by Author/ Co-author


3. Recognition of innovative initiatives

No. Initiative

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Code Year granted Issue by Author/ Co-author


4. Application/Comercialization of research outputs

No. Title of technology/ innovative initiative tranfered and applied Scale/Model and Place of application Year transfered

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)




1. Participation in other local/foreign projects/ programs …

No. From..to… Title of the project/ initiatives Job assigned
1 12/2006 – 5/2007 Teaching Vietnamese and Vietnamese linguistics at University of Paris 7, France Associate professor
2 1983 – 1986 Doing research and compiling referential textbooks of Mnong Linguistic lecturer
3 2006 – 2007 Directing a research program on Mnong language and compiling referential textbooks at DakNong province Associate professor
4 2006 – nay Directing a branch project of research on Mnong language at Daknong province Associate professor
5 2014, 2015, 2016 Teaching at graduate program of linguistics at Qui Nhon Associate professor


2. Participation in Associations, Board of Journal Editors, or Board of Organizers of scientific conferences and seminars



From… to…

Name of Associations/ Journals/ Conferences Job assigned/ Title
1 1992 – 1996 Member of Executive Committee of Association of Linguistics in HCM City PhD ( 1995 )
2 1996 Organizing committee of the conference “Vietnamese language in mass media” PhD
3 1996 – 2001 Member and vice-general secretary of Standing Committee of Association of Linguistics in HCM City PhD
4 2001 Organizing committee of national conference “Vietnamese language in the period of industrialization and modernization” PhD
5 2001 – 2006 Member and vice-general secretary of Standing Committee of Association of Linguistics of Vietnam PhD, Associate Professor ( 2003 )
6 2001 – 2006 Member and vice-general secretary of Standing Committee of Association of Linguistics in HCM City PhD, Associate Professor ( 2003 )
7 2006 – 2010 Member and vice-general secretary of Standing Committee of Association of Linguistics of Vietnam Associate Professor
8 2006 – 2010 Member and vice-president of Standing Committee of Association of Linguistics in HCM City Associate Professor
9 2010 – 2015 Member and vice-president of Standing Committee of Association of Linguistics in HCM City Associate Professor
10 2008 Organizing committee of national conference “Vietnamese language education” Associate Professor
11 2010 – 2015 Member and vice-general secretary of Standing Committee of Association of Linguistics of Vietnam Associate Professor
12 2010 – 2015 Member and vice-president of Standing Committee of Association of Linguistics in HCM City Associate Professor
13 2016 – 2021 Member and vice-general secretary of Standing Committee of Association of Linguistics of Vietnam Associate Professor
14 2013 – nay Member of Board of editor of the Journal Từ Điển học & Bách khoa thư Associate Professor


3. Working, Teaching & Research experiences at other institutions/ institues and research centers



From… to…

Name of institution/ institute/ Research centers Job assigned//Title
1 1998 – 2000 Participating in some researches on sociolinguistics at Center of Lingusitics, Southern Institute of Social sciences Research
2 1993 – 1994 Participating in researches and compiling doubled word dictionary at Institute of Linguistics Research
3 2007 – 2008 Participating in graduate program   of linguistics at University of Hue  
  October 22, 2012







Written by

(Signature & Full name)

Nguyen Cong Duc

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