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Nguyen Huu Hieu




1. Full name: NGUYEN HUU HIEU

2. Date of birth:    12/05/1959                                                      

3. Gender:                            Male     

4. Place of work:

Institution: University of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vietnam National University

Faculty: Faculty of Literature & Linguistics


5. Highest Degree:     PhD               Year of graduation: 2005

6. Current academic title:              Lecturer                            Senior Lecturer               

Assistant Professor        Associate Professor X  Professor       

                                                               Year granted: 2012

Current job title:                 Dean                 Vice Dean                        Department Head         

                                Academic assistant        Secretary          Student affair professional                         

7. Contact details:

No.   Office Home/Personal
1 Address 10 – 12 Dinh Tien Hoang street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city 136, Street No.2, Ward 3, Go Vap district, Ho Chi Minh city
2 Tel./ fax.

Tel: 08.38293828 (Ext. ….)

Fax: 08.38221903

3 Email   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

8. Foreign language(s):

No. Language Listening Speaking Writing Reading
Excellent Good Aver. Excellent Good Aver. Excellent Good Aver. Excellent Good Aver.
1 English   X (Fairly)     X     X     X  

9. Working experience:

Time (from…to) Place of work Job title
From 2005 to now University of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vietnam National University of HoChi Minh City Lecturer
From 1982 to 2005 Da Lat University Lecturer
From 1980 to 1982 Tay Nguyen University Lecturer


10. Educational background:

Level/ degree earned Year graduated Institution Major Title of thesis/dissertation
Bachelor 1976 - 1980 Vinh University Literature Examination
Master 1993- 1997 University of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vietnam National University of HoChi Minh City Vietnamese Literature Dissertation
Doctorate 2000 - 2005 University of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vietnam National University of HoChi Minh City Theory and History of Literature Thesis
  1. 11.Teaching interest and research orientation
    1. 11.1Teaching interest:

-    Discipline: Foreign literature

-    Major: Literature history

-    Specialization: Western literature

  1. 11.2Research orientation:

1. History of Western literature

2. The relationship between Western literature and modern literature of Vietnam


  1. 1.Research projects
No. Research/Project title

Code &


Year done


(VND millions)

Project leader or member Date of defense Results
1 On the reception of American literature in Vietnam B98-29-15/ Ministry of Education 24 months 5 millions VND Project leader 6/7/2001 Good
2 Survey movement and influence of symbolism in Western modern literature B2004- 29-30/ Ministry of Education 24 months 20 millions VND Project leader 23/5/2006 Very good
3 New achievements in researching literature in Vietnam B2005-29-37/ Ministry of Education 36 months 50 millions VND member 5/6/2008 Good
4 Aesthetic changes in French literature in the late of 19th century B2007-18b-05/ National University of HCM city 24 months 40 millions VND Project leader 29/3/2011 Very good
5 Prose genres in Western literature during The Enlightenment period 2012-18b-03/ National University of HCM city 24 months 60 millions VND Project leader 11/5/2015 Very good
  1. 2.Academic advising/mentoring
No. Name of mentee(s) Thesis/Dissertation title Graduation year Level

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

1 Nguyen Viet Phuong Dung Survey narrative characteristics and modes in Marc Lévy’s novels    2009    Master  
2 Huynh Thi Truc Linh Some artistic characteristics in novels by Alain Robbe Grillet    2010    Master  
3 Tran Cong Hoai Dung Types of detective characters in American detective literature    2011    Master  
4 Tran Cong Dung On characters in short stories by Gabriel Gacía Marquez 2011    Master  
5 Mai The Manh Ivanhoe and historical novels of Walter Scott 2012    Master  
6 Tran Ngoc Nam Expressions of modernism in Franz Kafka’s works 2012    Master  
7 Nguyen Thi Kim Anh Narration of Stream of consciousness in Sorrow of war (by Bao Ninh) and   Opportunity of God (by Nguyen Viet Ha)    2013    Master  
8 Nguyen Phong Binh Research writings about war subject through Eric Maria Remarque’s works. 2014 Master  
9 Nguyen Thi Thanh An Characteristics of Saint– Exupéry’s novels. 2015 Master  


1. Books/ Book chapters

1.1 International publications

No. Title

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Publisher Year of publication Author/ Co-author Pen name

1.2. National/Local

No. Title

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Publisher Year of publication Author/ Co-author Pen name
1 Some issues of Vietnamese literature Monograph Literature 1999 Co-author
2 Hemigway – Artistical horizons Monograph Education 2001 Co-author
3 Poetry – Research, Theory and Criticism Monograph National University 0f Ho Chi Minh city 2003 Co-author
4 New thoughts and approachs in literary research Monograph Social sciences (Hanoi) 2007 Co-author
5 Some issues of social sciences and humanities (specialization in literature) Reference book National University 0f Ho Chi Minh city 2008 Co-author
6 Some issues in researching literature Reference book National University 0f Ho Chi Minh city 2015 Co-author
7 On the reception of foreign point of view in literature: Experience of Vietnam in modern period Monograph Hanoi National University 2015 Co-author


2. Journal articles

2.1. In international journals


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)


( ISI or not?)

IF scores

2.2. In national/local journals


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)


1 Nguyen Huu Hieu, On the entertainment function of literature, Dalat university, Scientific bulletin, pages 105 – 110, 1991.
2 Nguyen Huu Hieu, Conditions for the constitution of artistic features of symbolical poetry in The new poetry movement in Vietnam (1932 – 1945), Dalat university, Scientific bulletin p. 63 – 70, 1999.
3 Nguyen Huu Hieu, How Western symbolism was perceived in New Vietnamese poetry (1932 – 1945), Annals of USSH, No. 17, 2001, p. 77-84
4 Nguyen Huu Hieu, Chracteristics of thinking of symbolical poetry and It’s manifestation in Viêt Nam New Poetry (1932 – 1945), Dalat university, Scientific bulletin, pages 50 – 59, 2001.
5 Nguyen Huu Hieu, Musicality in symbolical poetry, Dalat university, Scientific bulletin, pages 113 – 119, 2003
6 Nguyen Huu Hieu, Some reflections about writer Nhat Linh – Nguyen Tuong Tam, Journal of literature, No.4, 1994, p.50-53.
7 Nguyen Huu Hieu, The modernity of Vietnamese New Poetry from the liguistic point of view, Literature studies, No.7, 2010, p. 95-103. 1859 - 2856
8 Nguyen Huu Hieu, Shimazaki Toson’s The Family and naturalistic elements in Japanese and Vietnamese novels, Literature studies, No.2, 2012, p. 132 – 142. 1859 - 2856
9 Nguyen Huu Hieu, Custum novels – important achievements of Western enlightened culture and literature in the eighteenth century, Scientific journal of Saigon University, No.25, 2014, p. 6-17. 1859 - 3208

2.3. In international conferences


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)


1 Nguyễn Hữu Hiếu, The modernity of Vietnamese New Poetry from the liguistic point of view, International scientific conference on Modernization process in Japanese literature and in the literatures of East – Asian region (Vietnam, China, Korea), Summary record, General publisher – Ho Chi Minh city, 2011, p.737-746. 9786045801642

2.4. In national/local conferences


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)


1 Nguyen Huu Hieu, Some reflections about New Poetry movement, National conference, At College of education of Ho Chi Minh city, 2012, Summary record.
2 Nguyen Huu Hieu, Truyen Kieu, A non-stop existential anxiety, Conference commemorating the 250th birth Anniversary of Vietnam’s National Great Poet Nguyen Du , in Summary record Nguyen Du – Vietnam’s National Great Poet and Outstanding Personality of Culture, Publisher National University of Ho Chi Minh city, 2015, p. 339-349 978-604-73-3827-6


1. Research awards

No. Title of the award Highlights/Reasons for the awards Granted by Year received


2. Patent granting

No. Patent title

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Code of patent Year granted Issue by Author/ Co-author


3. Recognition of innovative initiatives

No. Initiative

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Code Year granted Issue by Author/ Co-author


4. Application/Comercialization of research outputs

No. Title of technology/ innovative initiative tranfered and applied Scale/Model and Place of application Year transfered

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)




1. Participation in other local/foreign projects/ programs …

No. From..to… Title of the project/ initiatives Job assigned


2. Participation in Associations, Board of Journal Editors, or Board of Organizers of scientific conferences and seminars



From… to…

Name of Associations/ Journals/ Conferences Job assigned/ Title
  From 2005 Association of researching and teaching literature of Ho Chi Minh city            Member


3. Working, Teaching & Research experiences at other institutions/ institues and research centers



From… to…

Name of institution/ institute/ Research centers Job assigned//Title
  From 2010            College of Education              Lecturer
  October 22, 2016







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Nguyen Huu Hieu

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