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Ho Khanh Van



I . Personal details


1 Full name HỒ KHÁNH VÂN Birth Date 28/05/1982

Male   £  

     Female     S

Academic status Master Year of bestowal
Position/ title Lecturer
2 Institution & address University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City (USSH, VNU-HCM), 10-12 Đinh Tiên Hoàng Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Department/ division/ faculty Faculty of Literature and Linguistics, Division of Literary Theory and Criticism
3 Office tel. (08) 38293828 Mobile phone No. 0975191697
Fax E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2. Qualifications:

Educations Academic institutions Major/ Specialty Year of graduation
University USSH, VNU-HCM Literature 2004
Master USSH, VNU-HCM Vietnamese Literature 2008

3. Professional experience:

Years Institution Professional address Position
2004 - present Faculty of Literature and Linguistics, USSH, VNU-HCM

10-12, Đinh Tiên Hoàng Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

Tel: (08)38293828


4. Language (rating: A- Poor/ deficient; B- Fair; C- Sufficient; D- Fluent)

Language Reading Writing Speaking
English C C C
Chinese B B B

5. Expertise and research interests

   5.1. Last five year’s research interests:

- Literary Theory and Criticism

- Theory and Criticism of Cinema

   5.2. Research funding received:

List all the research grants/ projects received/ participated during the last 5 years

  No Project name Funding institution & funded amount Project duration Position/ role in the project
1        The Feminism Theory in Literature: History, Conception, and Methods USSH, VNU-HCM 2009 - 2010 Sole Researcher  
2        Tsai Ming Liang- A Unique Style Of Asian Cinema USSH, VNU-HCM 2012 - 2013 Sole Researcher  
3        Surveying, Evaluating, and Reserving the Heritage of Quoc Ngu Literature in Cochinchina from the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Century VNU-HCM 2006 - 2007 Participant  
4        Surveying, Evaluating, and Reserving the Heritage of Quoc Ngu Literature in Cochinchina from 1930 to 1945 VNU-HCM 2008 - 2010 Participant  

   5.3. Publications and accomplishments

(List all the published scientific papers, monographs, awards for the last 10 years following: Authors, title of publication, publishers, ISSN, volume, page, published year).

5.3.1. Publications in international publishers:

- In scientific journals

- Monographs

5.3.2. Publications in national publishers:

- In scientific journals

  1. Hồ Khánh Vân, “Learning Literature outside the Classroom”, Ho Chi Minh City Arts Magazine, Vol. 23, 2004.
  2. Hồ Khánh Vân (co-author with Lê Tiến Dũng), “Bửu Đình – a Writer in Cochinchina”, Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 36, 2006.
  3. Hồ Khánh Vân, “The Origins of Literature: from the Opinions of Aristotle and Lưu Hiệp to that of the Marxist Literary Theory”, the conference on A Fresh View about Chinese Classic Literary Theory, 12/2006.
  4. Hồ Khánh Vân, “The Motif of Cutting the Huge Liana in Laotian Myths in Explaining Human Origins”, Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 40, 2007.
  5. Hồ Khánh Vân, “Variants of the Opposites and Oddness in Banana’s Creativity World”, the conference on Vietnamese Literature with East-Asian and Southeast-Asian Literatures, USSH, VNU-HCM, 10/2007.
  6. Hồ Khánh Vân, “A Sketch of Poetesses in Contemporary Vietnamese Literature”, the conference on Contemporary Vietnamese Poetry, USSH, VNU-HCM, 2/2008.
  7. Hồ Khánh Vân, “Some Thought on Teaching and Studying Literature in the Secondary and Tertiary Education”, the conference on Innovations of Curricula and Methods in Teaching Literature in Tertiary Education, 2/2008.
  8. Hồ Khánh Vân, “The Sense of Women’s Rights and the Initial Development of Cochinchinese Female Literature in the Vietnamese Literary Modernization in the Early Twentieth Century”, the conference on Literary Modernization of Japan and other East-Asian Countries: Vietnam, China, Korea, USSH, VNU-HCM, March 2010.
  9. Hồ Khánh Vân, “The feminist consciousness nad the initial development of women’s literature in the South of Vietnam during the modernization process of national literature”, Literature Studies, No.7, July 2010.
  10. Hồ Khánh Vân, “From Opinions about the Feminine Writing to the Formation of a Research Methods in Feminism”, Journal of Saigon University, Volume on Literary Criticism, 2011.
  11. Hồ Khánh Vân, Awareness about Position of “the Second Sex” in prose writings by Vietnamese and Chinese Female Writers from 1980 to present, Literature Studies, No.4, April 2015.

- Monographs

  1. Hồ Khánh Vân (co-author), The Yearbook of Literary Criticism 1999, Ho Chi Minh City Association of Literary Researchers and Teachers, 1999.
  2. Hồ Khánh Vân (co-author), Pre-modern East-Asian Literature from the Comparative Perspective, Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing House, 2011.
  3. Hồ Khánh Vân (co-author), Vietnamese and Japanese Literature in The Globalization Context, VNU-HCMC Publishing House, 2015.
  4. Hồ Khánh Vân (co-author), Nguyen Du - Vietnam's National Great Poet and Outstanding Personality of Culture, VNU-HCMC Publishing House, 2015.

5.4. Previous results that have been applied and related to this project (if any)

No. Results/Title Type, scale and address of application Applied duration

   5.5 Scientific awards related to this project (if any)

No. Type of award certification Bestowal year

Applicant’s Institution

Ho Chi Minh City, June 15th 2016





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