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Đề dẫn Hội thảo "250 năm năm sinh Nguyễn Du"

250 năm trước từ đất Thăng Long ngàn năm văn hiến, một trong những người Việt Nam vĩ đại nhất đã ra đời: Nguyễn Du. Nếu những ghi chép trong Nguyễn tộc thế phả là chính xác thì Nguyễn Du sinh ngày 23 tháng 11 năm Ất dậu 1765, tức là chúng ta đã tổ chức đón sinh nhật lần thứ 250 năm của Nguyễn Du trước 10 ngày. Trong năm Kỷ niệm Nguyễn Du năm nay, nhiều cơ quan, địa phương trong cả nước tổ chức lễ hội văn hóa, hội thảo khoa học kỷ niệm Nguyễn Du, nhưng Hội thảo của chúng ta có niềm tự hào là hội thảo khép lại năm Nguyễn Du, đồng thời cũng là hội thảo được tổ chức gần ngày sinh Nguyễn Du nhất. 

Power of Korea Information Technology 4.0 on "Korea Front: K-Drama, K-Pop, Manhwa" in Vietnam - Positive and negative impacts on Vietnamese society in the context of Globalization

International Conference: “Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films in the Context of Globalization”

Name: Lê Hân
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Power of Korea Information Technology 4.0 on "Korea Front: K-Drama, K-Pop, Manhwa" in Vietnam - Positive and negative impacts on Vietnamese society in the context of Globalization


"The Age of Information Technology 4.0" of Korea (Republic of Korea) has outperformed as "Slide Bridge" in Globalization, helping Korea facilitate comprehensive development, such as enhancing product value. goods, branding, economic growth, increased export turnover, development of culture and daily life of Korean society. In which, Korean Cultural Products ie "Han Luu: K-Drama, K-Pop; Manhwa" has been enhanced in terms of quality and quantity. On the front "Han Luu" through "Slide Bridge" appeared a team of volunteers, non-profit, skilled and skilled to help Korea facilitate integration into the world and regional countries, including Vietnam. , is a means to promote the Korean national name about: Korean History, Uri Culture, Korean Literature and Arts ancient and modern. Positive and negative impacts on Vietnam on the aspects of Social Culture, Literature and Arts, Economy and Market.

"Slide Slide": Power of Information Technology 4.0 of Korea. Non-profit Elite Warriors on the Han Luu Front: "K-Drama, K-Pop, Manhwa in Vietnam". Who are they?

Key words: 4.0, Sliding Bridge, Hallyu, K-Drama, K-Pop, Manhwa.

A Comparative Research of Jeong Cheol’s Jeonhu Miingok (前後美人曲) and Nguyen Gia Thieu’s Cung Oan Ngam Khuc (宮怨吟曲) -From the Perspective of Yeongun Siga (戀君詩歌)

International Conference: “Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films in the Context of Globalization”

Name: Nguyen Hong Thuy

Dept. of Korean Language and Literature

The Graduate School, Seoul National University


A Comparative Research of Jeong Cheol’s Jeonhu Miingok (前後美人曲) and Nguyen Gia Thieu’s Cung Oan Ngam Khuc (宮怨吟曲) -From the Perspective of Yeongun Siga (戀君詩歌)


The objective of this paper is to compare Jeong Cheol’s (鄭澈) Jeonhu Miingok (前後美人曲), (which is the term for both Samiingok (思美人曲) and Sokmiingok (續美人曲) ), and Nguyen Gia Thieu’s (阮嘉韶) Cung Oan Ngam Khuc (宮怨吟曲) and to also deepen the understanding of both national languages and literature developed in South Korea and Vietnam, which are within the range of an universal language.

First, Chapter II introduces the lives of Jeong Cheol and Nguyen Gia Thieu along with background stories behind their creation of work.

Jeonhu Miingok and Cung Oan Ngam Khuc all share similarities as both male authors speak in the voices of the female speakers abandoned by their lovers and all belong to the genre of the unique long poems written in the national languages.

Chapter III reviews the differences between the works by analyzing their compositions and sentiments of the poetic speakers.

Chapter IV derives the meanings of the works based on results of a comparative analysis. Jeong Cheol and Nguyen Gia Thieu are noblemen from the medieval era who could have the ability to create Chinese poetry and writings skillfully. However, to sing for their lovers, they wrote the long poems in their national languages rather than in Chinese. Through the national-language literature including Korean propositions in Samiingok, honorifics and normal words in Sokmiingok, and proverbs, folk songs, and colloquial styles in Cung Oan Ngam Khuc, the authors were able to include the unique beauty and characteristics of each country’s language and express their situations and emotions.

In this paper, Cung Oan Ngam Khuc is newly observed from the perspective of Yeongun Siga (戀君詩歌) through the comparison with Jeonhu Miingok. It is also possible to confirm the meaning of the Yeongun (戀君) spirit shown in Jeonhu Miingok through the comparison with Cung Oan Ngam Khuc. The attempt to compare and contrast Jeonhu Miingok and Cung Oan Ngam Khuc from the view of Yeongun Siga (戀君詩歌) helps understanding East Asian literature comprehensively. It is significant to show how the “middle parts,” South Korea and Vietnam, based on China as the ‘center,’ have built the relationship and accomplished their literary achievements.

KeywordsJeonhu Miingok, Jeong Cheol, Cung Oan Ngam Khuc, Nguyen Gia Thieu, Yeongun Siga

Nàng Kiều về phương Nam / Das Mädchen Kiều kommt nach dem Süden

Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Đăng Điệp (rechts), Direktor des Instituts für Literatur, Vietnamesische Akademie der Sozialwissenschaften, überreicht im Auftrag des Übersetzerteams aus Moskau und der Projektgruppe aus Berlin Prof. Dr.  Đoàn Lê Giang, Dekan der Fakultät Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft, Hochschule für Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften, Nationale Universität Ho Chi Minh Stadt, die russisch-vietnamesische und die deutsch-vietnamesische Ausgabe von Truyện Kiều / Das Mädchen Kiều.  

Introduce Vietnamese nationality’s unique character through “Vong co” Song

International Conference: “Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films in the Context of Globalization”

Name (Family, Given): Chau Hoai Phuong
MA., University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU-HCM
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Introduce Vietnamese nationality’s unique character through “Vong co” Song


Art in general, music and literature in separate is creative product of human formed in spiritual and physical life of working and activity. Literature and music of each nationality express its unique cultural value. “Vong co” song is completed artwork of combination music and literature. Music of “Vong co” song is of Southern “Tai tu” Music, content of word in a “Vong co” song is formed by nationality’s language and literature. “Vọng co” Song is born by people in Southern land but its development and population is not only in southern land but “Vong co” songs become cultural asset of Vietnamese nationality showing unique character of spirit and matter of Vietnamese nation and nationality. It is a content of writing: Introduce Vietnamese nationality’s unique character through “Vong co” song.

Keywords:Vong co, literature, music, Southern Tai TuMusic, culture, Vietnamese nationality character

Female characters in Vietnamese and Korean movies (the case of The Moon at the Bottom of the Well and The Truth Beneath)

International Conference: “Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films in the Context of Globalization” 

  1. Name (Family, Given): Nguyen Bich
  2. Nationality:       Viet Nam
  3. Profession:         Lecturer
  4. Higher Education: Master of Art
  5. Employment:     University of Social Scienes and Humanites
  6. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Female characters in Vietnamese and Korean movies

(the case of The Moon at the Bottom of the Well and The Truth Beneath)


This essay studies about the construction of the female characters of the movies The Moon at the bottom of the well (Viet Nam) and The Truth Beneath (Korea). Thereby, the writing considers what are the similarities and the differences between the female characters in these two films. By comparing with some other movies, the essay will find out if this is a type of female characters commonly seen in Vietnamese and Korean movies. Then, from a cultural perspective, the essay will give reasons for the appearance, the similarity/differences of this type of character in the two cinemas.

Keywords: Female character, Korean movies, Vietnamese movies, Confucianism

Translation of Modern Vietnamese Literature into English: Contribution from Different Horizons

International Conference: “Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films in the Context of Globalization”

Name: Nguyễn Bảo Châu

Student – The University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Vietnam National University-HCMC

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Trương Công Bảo Thư

Student – The University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Vietnam National University-HCMC

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nguyễn Thị Phương Thuý

PhD. – The University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Vietnam National University-HCMC

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Translation of Modern Vietnamese Literature into English: Contribution from Different Horizons


Vietnamese literature has come to international readers beyond the Sinosphere through different foreign languages, the main among which has changed from French to English due to various historical and social reasons. Besides classical works from the medieval literature, many modern works reflecting Vietnamese outer and inner livings since the early twentieth century have also been brought to the English-speaking audience by translators from different geographical and political horizons. This article provides a brief overview of modern Vietnamese literature being translated into English and acknowledges the contributions from different categories of translators and publishers, whose opportunities and motivation for translating might differ but they shared the same care for Vietnam and love for modern Vietnamese literature.

Keywords: Translation, Modern Vietnamese Literature, English, English-speaking audience.

Pieces of the character “Comfort women” in the novel Comfort women by Nora Okja Keller and the film귀향by Cho Jung-rae

International Conference: “Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films in the Context of Globalization”

  1. Name (Family, Given): Nguyen Phuong Thao (Phd, Vietnam) - Na Jun Soo (Student at British Vietnamese International School, Korea)
  2. Nationality: Vietnam
  3. Profession: Literary Researcher
  4. Higher Education: Phd
  5. Employment:
  6. Contact Information

Address: Vietnam Literature Institute

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Pieces of the character “Comfort women” in the novel Comfort women by Nora Okja Keller

and the film 귀향 by Cho Jung-rae


Comfort women (English), 위안부 (Korean), 慰安婦/いあんふ (Japanese) have been topics that have been receiving considerable research attention from critics since the novel Comfort women (종군위안부 in Korean) by female writer Nora Okja Keller published in 1997, and the film 귀향 by director Cho Jung-rae released in 1996. These two works have received much attention from academics. While most previous research focuses on themes or composition techniques, this article organically and synthetically analyses on “comfort women” character from many perspectives: feminism, colonialism, post-colonialism, immigration, discrimination, racism, psychoanalysis, narratology, culturology, music and cinema, organically exploited and in a synthetic way.

Keywords: Comfort women, literature, cinema, post-colonialism, psychoanalysis, feminism.

Tuồng Thương khó – the first modern theatrical manuscript by Vietnamese playwrighter

International Conference: “Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films in the Context of Globalization”

Name: Võ Văn Nhơn

PhD. Assoc. Prof., University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU-HCM

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Đinh Phạm Phương Thảo

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The first Vietnamese bishop, Nguyen Ba Tong, composed Tuong Thuong kho (Play of Passion) based on Jesus’s Passion narrated in The Old Testament. The manuscript was first published in 1912. Very different from Vietnamese traditional theatrical manuscripts, Tuong Thuong kho followed the style of Western classical play in structure and daily-life language. Therefore, it can be considered the first modern play written in Quocngu characters by a Vietnamese writer. 

Keywords: Tuong Thuong kho, modern play, Quocngu characters

A study on feminism in the contemporary Korean dramas through the case of When the Camellia blooms (2019)

International Conference: “Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films in the Context of Globalization”

1. Name (Family, Given): Phan Nguyen Phuoc Tien

2. Nationality: Vietnam

3. Profession: Lecturers

4. Higher Education: M.A Foreign Literature, Hue University

5. Employment: Faculty of Literature – University of Sciences, Hue University

6. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A study on feminism in the contemporary Korean dramas through the case of When the Camellia blooms (2019)


In contemporary cultural life, the media has the power to influence on the emotions and perception of its viewers. This study analyzes a highly popular strategy of K-dramas in recent years, the feminist strategy. Feminism on the theme of gender equality is emerging as an important issue in the contemporary Korean culture. When the Camellia blooms – a KBS drama 2019 was selected for analysis to analyze in terms of: characters, the relationships of characters, context, dialogue, details, plot development, transformation of female characters... expresses a feminist message that shows a strong self - selection and transcendental thinking in male - oriented stereotypes and inequal social structure. The research results affirm that progressive, humane feminist values, consistent with modern feminist views are the great success of the film.

Keywords: Feminism, contemporary, Korean dramas, When the Camellia blooms…

Truong Tuu’s Sociological Method In Literary Criticism

International Conference: “Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films in the Context of Globalization”

Name: Hoàng Thị Hiền Lê

MA., Hanoi National University of Education

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Truong Tuu’s Sociological Method In Literary Criticism


With a huge number of compositions from literature, culture to critical research, Truong Tuu is considered a great critic, a talented literary researcher. Up to now, his compositions have not been fully and comprehensively acknowledged. Looking back on the past journey, it is necessary to study Truong Tuu from a more thorough and sharp perspective. In the early years of the twentieth century, Truong Tuu appeared as a pioneer in search of new ideas, new principles for life and literature. His ideas have been absorbed from many tendencies such as Marxism,Freud’s psychoanalytic theories, ... from which he proposed the socialization tendency in literary and cultural research. This is shown in his works such as Vietnamese Sutra Poetry (Vietnamese Kinh Thi), Summary of Modern Vietnamese Literature, Psychology and Thought of Nguyen Cong Tru, The Tale of Kieu and the Nguyen Du Era….

Studying Truong Tuu's works, we would like  to systematically approach his sociological method which is applied commonly throughout his research. From that he encourages the tendency to criticize socialization in Vietnamese literature and culture in the early twentieth century. The result from this  article is also a springboard for us to find out the concept of sociology in Han Thuyen group - a cultural group that Truong Tuu is the main editor during  in the 40s of the twentieth century.

Keywords: Truong Tuu, Han Thuyen group, method, sociology, literary criticism.

Robinsonade in Korean films

International Conference:

“Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films

in the Context of Globalization”


  1. Name (Family, Given): NGUYEN, THI PHU;
  2. Nationality: Vietnam;
  3. Profession: Teacher;
  4. Higher Education: Bachelor;
  5. Employment: VNU-HCM High School for the Gifted;
  6. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



In the Europe and North America region’s literary study, the term Robinsonade as a literary genre that refers narrative works tell about adventures on the sea and castaways try to survive on desert islands. Robinsonade structure not only appears in literary writings but also is used in cinema works which have been called ‘filmic Robinsonade’ by critics. As a result of globalization, Robinsonade structure has been experimented on Korean screen. This paper mentions introducing the Robinsonade genre and applying this structure as a main methodology to discuss some Korean films.

Keywords: Robinsonade, Korean films, desert island, globalization,…

The application of the world’s ancient tales in Korean films

International Conference: “Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films in the Context of Globalization”

Name: Dang Huynh Thao Vi

MA,. Transnational Arts Entertainment Company Limited

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The application of the world’s ancient tales in Korean films


Reading ancient tales with specific motif glasses has long been one of the standards to assess the degree of research within cultural works. However, if one only reads and critiques based on theory, then this is insufficient to accurately assess the entire ancient artistic work. The transformation of the work together with the implementation of morals based on motifs and social commentary through entertainment products in the modern era is what makes the entertainment attractive, reflecting the deep philosophies of the ancient tales. Korean films are such examples! From its beginning through to its development, Korean films have undergone a long progress of revision and adaptation to leave behind many notable achievements. Not only have the had an impact in their own nation but they have also succeeded in influencing many other nations of the world. In particular, when researching on the success of Korean films under the lens of motifs of ancient tales, this paper recognises that every detail, every gesture and every action of the character carries a depth of personality and humanity. This paper will outline the types of motifs of ancient tales from across the world found in Korean films together with its application within said product.

Keywords: Motif, Ancient Tales, Korean Films.

The art of building Psychological Criminal Character on Korean Screen: contrastive analysis on Dark figure of crime (Kim Tae-Gyun) and Silence of the Lambs (Jonathan Demme)

“Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films in the Context of Globalization” 

  1. Name (Family, Given): Nguyen Minh Thu
  2. Nationality: Vietnam
  3. Profession: English teacher
  4. Higher Education: M.A
  5. Employment: Hanoi Open University
  6. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Topic: The art of building Psychological Criminal Character on Korean Screen: contrastive analysis on Dark figure of crime (Kim Tae-Gyun) and Silence of the Lambs (Jonathan Demme)


This article compares the Korean and American art of building psychological criminal characters on the screen through the film Dark figure of crime by director Kim Tae-gyun and Silence of the Lambs by director Jonathan. Demme from the perspective of character building theory in Syd Field's screenplay. Through the similarities and differences between the psychological criminal images of Korean and American cinema, the writer can give some suggestions to expand the creative amplitude in the art of character building that Korean researchers may be interested.

Keywords: Psychological criminal, Korea, America, Dark figure of crime, Silence of the lambs

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